TMMC Health Safety Policy

Because the Thursday Morning Music Club has adult members and guests of all ages, we aim to provide a meeting environment that is comfortable and safe for all attendees. We do listen to guidelines from recognized and qualified Federal, State, and local agencies and tend to take a cautious approach when setting the policies for our own meetings. Our policies can, and have, changed from month-to-month, based on the latest COVID and other health safety information. Below are our policies for attending meetings as of 1/1/2021, but these could change at any time. Please check again the day of the event.

  • If you have been infected with COVID within the past 10 days, or currently have COVID symptoms: please do not attend.

  • Vaccination(s): Strongly encouraged, but not required.

  • Masks: Not required.


TMMC Member Beverly Rodegast Performs With Cape Fear Chorale


2022 Classical Musical Scholarship Rules and Application