
Miriam Warshauer Memorial Scholarship

TMMC is pleased to provide financial scholarships for classical music students in the Wilmington area through an annual high school competition held each Spring in which thousands of dollars have been distributed to talented musicians since 1925. Scholarship winners will perform at the Club’s May Luncheon.

For a list of some past scholarship winners, click here.

For Scholarship Competition information and rules, click here.

To submit a Scholarship Competition Application, click here.


Need Based Sponsorship

TMMC provides need-based support to 7th-12th grade students with promise, but who fall outside the level of our Miriam Warshauer Scholarship competition. This support may go toward private lessons, instrument rental, and Wilmington Symphony Youth Orchestra semester fees.


Music is Life!

TMMC provides monetary support to the Music is Life! program of the Brooklyn Arts Music Academy here in Wilmington. Music Is Life! Engages local 3-5 year old children with free weekly music instruction in partnership with Head Start and New Hanover County Schools. Music Is Life! builds resiliency skills for children who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) by fostering social-emotional growth, and promoting cognitive, language, and physical development. Building resilience in children can help mitigate long-term negative impacts after ACE’s have already occurred.

For more information on any of these programs contact Scholarship Chair Beverly Andrews: beverlyhandrews@gmail.com, 910-619-8232.

Listen to Rhonda Bellamy’s February 1, 2024 interview of Beverly Andrews on WHQR here.