Scholarship Vignette: Lily Radack, 2012
“Winning the TMMC scholarship gave me the confidence to continue pursuing singing during higher education and beyond. While professionally I pursued life as a pediatric speech language pathologist, I continue to sing in my spare time…”
— Lily Radack
Scholarship Vignette: Camden Stohl, 2018
Since high school, Camden has received a Bachelor of Music in violin performance at East Carolina University and is currently pursuing a Master of Music at the University of Maryland. Upon her acceptance to UMD she was awarded a 2-year assistantship for the university’s fellowship quartet program. The Varié quartet, the fellowship quartet of UMD, now performs for outreach for the university and the surrounding community…
— Camden Stohl
Scholarship Vignette: William Hueholt, 2011
As soon as I told him I was calling from the Thursday Morning Music Club, he started talking exuberantly about how appreciative he was for our scholarship…
— Vivian Carter
Scholarship Vignette: Alexei Mejouev, 2016
I was a TMMC scholarship winner in 2016. As a high schooler I played in the Wilmington Youth Symphony, Wilmington Symphony and a few chamber ensembles…
— Alexei Mejouev
An Act of Kindness
While standing in line, a woman turned to me to say she had a second ticket…
— Arlene Bjorkman
Words of Wisdom from my Music Teacher
After 50 years I found my high school sax teacher’s phone number on the internet and called him up. I didn't expect him to remember me (he didn't), so I felt I had to convince him I had actually been his student by recalling a few of his words of wisdom…
— Stan McLeroy
Be an Instrument
…[As] I thought about what might make a good devotion, the first thing that popped into my head was a prayer: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." And then I thought: "Yes, but which instrument?!" So I started to think about how to determine what instrument you are…
—Stan McLeroy