Thursday Morning Music Club By-Laws
Article I
The name of the organization shall be THURSDAY MORNING MUSIC CLUB, WILMINGTON, NC
Article II - Object
The purpose of the TMMC shall be the study and practice of music and the promotion of classical musical culture in the community.
Article III - Membership
Section 1.
There shall be three classes of Members: Regular, Honorary, and Life. Any person interested in the purpose of the club and willing to participate in its activities qualifies for membership. An application form must be signed by a member of the TMMC as a sponsor for a visitor to apply or membership. After the applicant pays both the application fee and dues, the Treasurer will send the application the President for presentation of the person as a new member at the next monthly meeting.
Section 2.
Regular members may be admitted at any time during the Club year. The names of all candidates for membership shall be presented in writing to the Membership Chair.
Section 3.
Life members shall make or have made for them a one-time payment of $200 which goes to the National Federation of Music Clubs. They shall have the same obligations and privileges as Regular members.
Section 4.
Honorary members shall be those persons whom the Club wishes to honor. Proposals for honorary membership shall be made by the Executive Board and shall be voted on by the membership. They shall have the same rights and privileges as Regular members and shall be exempt from annual local and state dues.
Fees and Dues
Section 5.
Each applicant for membership shall pay a one-time application fee of $10.
Section 6.
Annual dues for Regular members shall be $40. Honorary members shall be exempt from annual local and state dues.
Section 7.
The fiscal year of the Club shall be October 1 to September 30. Dues are to be paid on October 1, but no later than November 25 of each year. If dues are not paid by November 25, the member will be dropped from the Club rolls. Consideration will be given for extenuating circumstances. They will be reinstated by resuming payment of dues. No new application fee shall be needed.
New members who join from October 1 to March 31 pay for the year in which they join. New members who join after April 1 will be members in good standing through the following year.
Article IV - Officers
Election and Term of Office
Section 1.
The officers of the Club shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Historian.
Section 2.
A Nominating Committee of three members shall present a name for each office to be filled to the Executive board in March, then to the membership at the regular April meeting when voting will occur. In the event of nominations from the floor, the election shall proceed by written ballot and the majority of votes cast shall constitute an election. When there is only one name for an office, the election may proceed by voice vote. Installation of the officers shall be at the May luncheon.
Section 3.
The term of office shall be two years. No officer, with the exception of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Historian, shall be eligible for the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4.
The First Vice-President shall be the incoming President.
Section 5.
The outgoing President shall be the incoming Second Vice-President.
Section 6.
The officers shall be divided into groups, one group to be elected each year for a term of two years, as follows:
Group One
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President
Recording Secretary
Group Two
Correpsonding Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Section 7.
In the event that an officer should resign before the expiration of his or her term, the President shall appoint a member to fill out that term.
Section 8.
Standing Committee Chairmen shall be appointed by the incoming President and shall serve for two years concurrently with the President. The President shall furnish each chairman with a written copy of his or her duties.
Section 1.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, the Executive Board, and shall appoint all committees.
Section 2.
The First Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President and shall prepare the Yearbook.
Section 3.
The Second Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President and the First Vice-President.
Section 4.
The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Club and the Executive Board and shall preserve all records in a permanent file.
Section 5.
The Treasurer shall collect dues, have custody of all funds, and disperse same with the approval of the Executive Board. He or she shall see that the financial records are audited annually. Applications, fees and dues from new members will be given to the Treasurer, who will then give the applications to the President for presentation at the next Executive Board meeting and, subsequently to the membership. Applications are then given to the Membership Chair for keeping.
Section 6.
The Assistant Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in his or her absence.
Section 7.
The Historian shall collect and be the custodian of all historical data pertaining to the Club.
Article V - Executive Board
Section 1.
The officers of the Club and the chairs of the Standing Committees shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2.
The power to transact business between meetings shall rest with the elected officers of the Club.
Section 3.
All past presidents shall remain on the Executive Board.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1.
Unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Board, the regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the second Thursday of each month from October through May.
Section 2.
At the discretion of the President, an Executive Board meeting shall be held in September.
Article VII - Quorum
Section 1.
Provided three officers are present, twelve members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at a general meeting of the Club.
Section 2.
Seven members, including two officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Executive Board.
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1.
These Bylaws may be amended at any general meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of those members present, provided notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been signed by two members and submitted in writing at the previous Club meeting.
Article IX - Parliamentary Authority
“Robert’s Rules of Order, revised” shall be the parliamentary authority for the Club, except in cases where it is inconsistent with these Bylaws.
Standing Rules
Miriam Warshauer Memorial Scholarship
Section 1.
The club may give scholarships for a one-year study of classical music. Audition contestants shall be from the junior or senior classes of high school and living in New Hanover, Pender, or Brunswick County. A contestant winning a scholarship as a junior will not be eligible to compete again his or her senior year.
Section 2.
The scholarship shall be given when the applicants meet the standard requirements of talent and classical musicianship. If the scholarship winner discontinues his or her study of music, the unused balance of the money shall be returned to the Club.
Section 3.
Auditions for the scholarships shall be in the spring each year. If no applicant is chosen any year, the money that would have been awarded remains in the scholarship fund. The auditions Committee shall be comprised of judges conversant in instrument and vocal performance. They shall be members of the Club if such are available. If not, the Scholarship Chair is authorized to find competent judges outside the Club. The amount of the scholarships will be determined each year by the Scholarship Committee. This committee’s recommendation will need approval by the Executive Board and the TMMC at the January meeting.
Need Based Funding for Classical Music Students
Section 1.
A need-based 7th-12th grade student with promise, but who falls outside the level of our scholarship competition, will be considered to study classical music and/or participate in the Wilmington Symphony Youth Orchestra.
Section 2.
The Executive Board will approve the student in April followed by club approval at the April meeting. Funds will be dispersed the following school year from September to September.
Section 3.
Funds will be given from September to September, approximately the school year.
Section 4.
The Club will rent, not purchase, a classical instrument for the student for one year. Funds will pay for lessons.
Section 5.
The amount of money will be $1000 per year per student, $750 for lessons and $250 for instrument rental.
Section 6.
Sponsored students will perform one piece at the December luncheon. The student, the teacher, and one parent will be guests of the Club for the meal.
Section 7.
Judges for the Scholarship Contest should be alert to possible students who might need financial help to pursue their studies, yet don’t qualify for a scholarship.
Section 1.
The Treasurer, together with the Assistant Treasurer and two members appointed by the President, shall constitute the budget Committee. The Treasurer shall present the proposed budget for the coming year to the Executive Board at the September meeting and for a vote of approval to the Club at the October meeting.
Luncheon and Guest Fees
Section 2.
Members who make luncheon reservations are held responsible for them unless cancellation is made before the announced deadline.
Section 3.
Members who perform at either the December or May luncheons are expected to pay for their meals. Non-member directors of groups that perform at the December luncheon shall be guests of the Club. Scholarship winners and their accompanists who perform at the May luncheon shall also be guests of the Club. Scholarship winners may invite two non-paying guests to the luncheon.