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TMMC November General Meeting


Diana Brailsford — keyboard Jeffrey Ingold — vocal

DIANA BRAILSFORD has over 26 years of Music ministry experience and holds degrees in Business, Computer Information Systems and Education. She began piano lessons at age five and has been immersed in music ever since. Diana is an accomplished pianist, organist, vocalist, and French Horn Player. She served eight years as a US Marine traveling the Pacific as an ambassador for our country. Diana has directed numerous bands, choirs, orchestras and small group ensembles throughout her career. Currently, she fronts the Stardusters big band out of Myrtle Beach and plays with a local brass ensemble here in Wilmington. Diana has recently found her way back from the mountains of North Carolina and is serving as Worship and Music Director at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation.

JEFFREY INGOLD is a pastor at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation in Ogden. He was introduced to choir and solo singing early in his boyhood church. After graduating from West Virginia Wesleyan College with a voice performance degree, he embarked on a journey of discovery via New York City where he was a supernumerary at the Metropolitan Opera for a season. Shortly thereafter, sensing a calling to professional ministry, he graduated from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. One of the joys of 31 years of ministry setting has been getting involved in local choral opportunities that allow him to continue his love for music and performance. Among others, he has performed with Blazing Star Chorale in Butler PA, Nashville Opera Company, NC Master Chorale in Raleigh, Opera Carolina in Charlotte and now Opera Wilmington as well as Cape Fear Chorale under the baton of Dr. Aaron Peisner.



First Presbyterian Church Choir Room
125 S. Third St., Wilmington, NC 28401


Open to TMMC members and the public.


Street Parking available as well as the church parking lot.

November 14

TMMC November Executive Board Meeting

December 12

TMMC Holiday Luncheon