Celebration of the Arts
Sandra Moulin — piano and dramatic presentation
Sandra Moulin began her performance career in 2015 at TMMC. She premiered her original “Dramatic Musilogue” with a performance of “Frederic, by George,” the story of Chopin as told by his muse, George Sand. Sandra performed her Chopin and Debussy shows at Beckwith Hall before moving to Sarasota, Florida in 2016.
Sandra has been performing her five shows regularly for lifelong learning centers, country clubs, local organizations and private parties. She begins by conducting extensive research of the composer and his muse, followed by writing the script, learning the music and staging the performance. Each show requires at least nine to twelve months. It is a labor of love and have given her purpose.
Sandra is grateful to TMMC for providing a stage to launch her second career which has brought her great joy and satisfaction. She is delighted to be back in Wilmington to book-end her musical journey. THANK YOU, TMMC.
First Presbyterian Church Choir Room
125 S. Third St., Wilmington, NC 28401
Open to TMMC members and the public.
Street Parking available as well as the church parking lot.